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Module 14

What did you complete this week?

I finished my final presentation this week by designing as much as I could in Ionic. This week, I received an email from Google Development Team stating that Google Fusion Tables would be discontinued next year, Aug. 2019. This has set a drawback to my project as I was going to use what I had already built through Fusion Tables and apply it to my project, which already has Google Maps set up through the Ionic framework. I will need to go back to geoJson. I am still having trouble exporting the geoJson file as when I click “Share”, geoJson declares an error. Final Presentation
Here is the link to the prototype: Prototype

What will you complete next week?


Any feedback from instructor or peers from previous week?

Past Entries

Module 13

What did you complete this week?

I am trying to add fusion tables to the map pages. Here is a link to the assault fusion table: link. As you can see, there is a map already there with the coordinates of each marker set. I already have a js file set with settings to import the fusion table to google maps. The problem is the new format to for laying out a google map into Ionic.
Here is the link to the prototype: Prototype

What will you complete next week?

Next week, I want to complete as much as possible before finals.

Any feedback from instructor or peers from previous week?

LMS crashed so I did’t get feedback

Module 12

What did you complete this week?

Around 10pm, Pacific Time, Sunday, the LMS server crashed and I couldn’t log in. I created each page for what is needed for the project. It is blank right now except for the title. I’ve been watching tutorials this past week about Google Maps and trying to change the map example they provide. I am also looking into a way of uploading new data daily rather than monthly. Crime Reports updates daily with crime stats, but it seems they have someone who regularly checks and updates the data and not a built-in formula to download data and upload to their site.
Here is the link to the prototype: Prototype
You will need to enter in a password to test it: AAUTester

What will you complete next week?

Next week, I want to have a news feed in the local news category. For my final project, I would like to have a local news feed by geolocation, but I’m not sure if this is possible. Research will be involved.

Any feedback from instructor or peers from previous week?

Comment on other posts

Module 11

What did you complete this week?

This week, I started using Ionic instead of NativeScript. From the instructor’s comments from the previous week, it does have the add-ons and other built-in components that is more geared toward my project. One of the add-ons is Google Maps. I decided to subscribe to the Google Cloud Platform (GCP), which allows me to get an API key as well as use the features needed through Google Maps to use the add-on in Ionic. GCP isn’t entire that bad as they have given me a full 12 months free trial to use it. I found using Ionic much easier to design the app instead of NativeScript.
Here is the link to the prototype: Prototype
You will need to enter in a password to test it: AAUTester

What will you complete next week?

Next week, I will finish creating the rest of the pages. I will also be trying to add the Google Fusion Tables to the Google Maps example page on Ionic. It is similar to what you see in Maps Javascript API but different callouts and the inability to create a var from what I’ve tried so far.

Any feedback from instructor or peers from previous week?

From Teylor Feliz, Instructor: Try ionic because it has more built-in components and also uses Angular.

Module 10

What did you complete this week?

NativeScript is similar and different to HTML in that the coding is a similar structure to HTML, but it also has javascript features like the brackets {. The other main thing that is different is that each page needs to be named FILENAME.component.html. Also, for just the login screen, there is a folder with multiple TypeScript files just for the one screen.
This week, I looked into how to link two pages together. In HTML, it is a simple a href, but in NativeScript, it is a bit more complex. In the NativeScript article about Navigation, it seems that I need to learn a lot more about TypeScript as the tutorial is coded in TypeScript and CSS. You can scan the QR code below to try out the login page. Username: admin | Password: admin

QR Code
What will you complete next week?

Next week, I will learn more about TypeScript so I can link pages.

Any feedback from instructor or peers from previous week?

No feedback.

Module 9

What did you complete this week?

This week, I started on Phase 2 of my project. I am now working through NativeScript to create my native app. The software pairs with an app you download through either the App Store or Google Play to view your prototype. The coding is very similar to HTML/CSS. Actually the css is exactly the same. What is nice about NativeScript is that you can drag in buttons, boxes, etc. and edit the css to match what you want it to look like. You can scan the QR code below to try out the login page. Username: admin | Password: admin

QR Code
What will you complete next week?

Next week, I want to have every main nav page completed so links work in the prototype.

Any feedback from instructor or peers from previous week?

The main feedback was that I should start working on my native app.

Module 8

What did you complete this week?

This week, I worked on the midterm presentation. I also tried the tutorial on NativeScript as this will be the next step for my project.

What will you complete next week?

Next week, I will continue learning about NativeScript. Also, I want to figure out how works because they update daily and also use OpenStreetMaps to map out crimes in the area.

Any feedback from instructor or peers from previous week?


Module 7

What did you complete this week?

This week, my main focus was to work on my midterm presentation for WNM 830: Visual Design that I am taking cocurrently with this class. I needed to update my proof of concept, information architecture, low-fidelity wireframes, and use case diagrams. During the week, I started looking into native app development frameworks. Based on the feedback, I found a framework that uses Angular, Vue, Typescript or Javascript. It’s called NativeScript, which creates native apps for both Android and iOS. NativeScript looks like a good framework to use. I now need to get familiar with Angular.

What will you complete next week?

Next week, I’ll dive deeper into how to use Angular. I’ve also uploaded all CSVs into geojson which I need to transfer into my project.

Any feedback from instructor or peers from previous week?

The main feedback to start looking into Angular, React, Vue, Framework 7, Onsen UI, and ChocolateChip UI.

Module 6

What did you complete this week?

From questions asked, the problem with the past weeks about geojson not working was because I had switched Latitude and Longitude in the csv. I hadn’t noticed the simple error for weeks and a new set of eyes helped fix the mistake. I haven’t updated the data to the most current yet. Rather, I am still using the old information until I can fully transfer the data into my current project which I am currently working on.

What will you complete next week?

Next week, I should have new data in place of the old data as well as a functioning prototype. From the GDS 830 Visual Design class, I now have a new logo and settled on the new typography and color choices which I will be transferring into the prototype over the next few weeks. Also, now my name of my project is now set to Out Without Doubt, I should purchase the name before I forget or it gets taken.

Any feedback from instructor or peers from previous week?

The main feedback was the latitude/longitude mix-up.

Module 5

What did you complete this week?

I followed the tutorial for and it still loads all the markers into Antartica. I tried removing every other column except lat and lon and it still sends every marker to the bottom. The second part of this is once I get the markers in place, how am I going to add it to my project?

What will you complete next week?

I will ask questions about The two parts I need help with is 1st: getting the markers to go where the lat/lon is listed (example: 37.78912093, -122.4037722) and 2nd: applying it to my project.

Any feedback from instructor or peers from previous week?

Nothing this past week.

Module 4

What did you complete this week?

I found an article about Google Fusion Tables alternatives. It lists two possiblities: and Map. uMap is French run so that would be my back-up. The article is dated 2014 so it is an old article and I’m wondering if there is something newer. If not, can work. I need to figure out how to upload the correct information so that it loads markers to the exact locations. I have the lat/lng for all of my markers except when I upload as a .csv, every marker gets stuck in Antartica.

What will you complete next week?

I found a tutorial and if it doesn’t work, I will ask questions about

Any feedback from instructor or peers from previous week?

Nothing this past week.

Module 3

What did you complete this week?

Originally, I was going to update my project with the most current data, but after the feedback, I decided to invest most of my time into OpenStreetMap and figure out how to use it now that Google Maps Javascript API is no longer free. Next week, I will do what I planned to do last week. I’ve tested the new openstreetmap on my project. It is working on map page.

What will you complete next week?

I need to figure out if Google Fusion Tables is compatible with OpenStreetMap. If so, I will update my markers.

Any feedback from instructor or peers from previous week?

I started looking into OpenStreetMap and leafletjs which shows tutorials and other docs for the maps.

Module 2

What did you complete this week?

I completed all of the assignments and updated my timeline of things to do for my project.

What will you complete next week?

I will update my project with the most current data.

Any feedback from instructor or peers from previous week?

I need to participate more in the comments.